1MinDocker #6 - Building further
Intermediate ·In the last article we saw how to build an image from scratch and we introduced several keywords to work with Dockerfiles.
We will now try to understand how to take our building capacity to the next level, adding more complexity and more layers to our images.
Case study
Imagine that we want to build an image to run our data analysis pipelines written in python and R.
To manage python and R dependencies separately we can wrap them inside conda environments.
Conda is a great tool for environment management, but is often outpaced by mamba in some operations such as environment creation and installation.
We will then use conda to organize and run the environments, while mamba will create them and install what’s needed.
Let’s say we need the following packages for python data analysis:
And we need the following for our R data analysis:
We store the environment creation and the installation of everything in this file called conda_deps_1.sh
(find all the code for this article here):
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
micromamba create \
python_deps \
-y \
-c conda-forge \
-c bioconda \
conda activate python_deps
micromamba install \
-y \
-c bioconda \
-c conda-forge \
-c anaconda \
-c plotly \
pandas polars numpy scikit-learn scipy matplotlib seaborn plotly
conda deactivate
micromamba create \
R \
-y \
-c conda-forge \
conda activate R
micromamba install \
-y \
-c conda-forge \
-c r \
r-dplyr r-lubridate r-tidyr r-purrr r-ggplot2 r-caret
conda deactivate
From these premises, we will build our data science Docker image.
Building on top of the building
We are very lucky with mamba and conda, because they both provide a docker image for their smaller and lightweight versions, micromamba and miniconda .
We want then to combine micromamba with miniconda, but how? We can exploit a feature in Docker builds, which is basically the same as “building on top of a building”: we start with an image as base, we copy the most important things from there to our actual image and then we continue building on top of it.
The syntax may be as follows:
FROM author/image1:tag as base
FROM author/image2:tag
COPY --from=base /usr/local/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
Which means that, from image1
as base
we take only the files stored under /usr/local/bin
and place them in image2
In our case, it would be:
FROM mambaorg/micromamba:${MAMBA_VER} as mambabase
FROM conda/miniconda3:${CONDA_VER}
COPY --from=mambabase /usr/bin/micromamba /usr/bin/
We copied micromamba
from it’s original location into our image.
Install environments
We can now take the conda_deps_1.sh
, copy and execute it into our build:
WORKDIR /data_science/
RUN mkdir -p /data_science/installations/
COPY ./conda_deps_1.sh /data_science/installations/
RUN bash /data_science/installations/conda_deps_1.sh
But let’s say we also want to provide our image with an environment for AI development, that we only want to add to our build if the user specifies it at build time.
In this case, we can use if...else
conditional statements in our Dockerfile!
We will create another file, conda_deps_2.sh
with a python environment for AI development in which we will put some base packages such as:
- transformers
- pytorch
- tensorflow
- langchain, langchain-community, langchain-core
- gradio
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
micromamba create \
python_ai \
-y \
-c conda-forge \
-c bioconda \
conda activate python_ai
micromamba install \
-y \
-c conda-forge \
-c pytorch \
transformers pytorch tensorflow langchain langchain-core langchain-community gradio
conda deactivate
Now we just add a condition to our Dockerfile:
RUN if [ "$BUILD_AI" = "True" ]; bash /data_science/installations/conda_deps_2.sh; \
elif [ "$BUILD_AI" = "False" ]; then echo "No AI environment will be built"; \
else echo "BUILD_AI should be either True or False: you passed an invalid value, thus no AI environment will be built"; fi
Building and its options
Now let’s take a look at the complete Dockerfile:
FROM mambaorg/micromamba:${MAMBA_VER} as mambabase
FROM conda/miniconda3:${CONDA_VER}
COPY --from=mambabase /usr/bin/micromamba /usr/bin/
WORKDIR /data_science/
RUN mkdir -p /data_science/installations/
COPY ./conda_deps_?.sh /data_science/installations/
RUN bash /data_science/installations/conda_deps_1.sh
RUN if [ "$BUILD_AI" = "True" ]; bash /data_science/installations/conda_deps_2.sh; \
elif [ "$BUILD_AI" = "False" ]; then echo "No AI environment will be built"; \
else echo "BUILD_AI should be either True or False: you passed an invalid value, thus no AI environment will be built"; fi
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
We can build our image tweaking and twisting the build-args
as we please:
docker build . \
-t YOUR-USERNAME/data-science:latest-noai
docker build . \
--build-args BUILD_AI="True" \
-t YOUR-USERNAME/data-science:latest-ai
docker build . \
--build-args MAMBA_VER="cuda12.1.1-ubuntu22.04" \
-t YOUR-USERNAME/data-science:mamba-versioned
Then you can proceed and push the image to Docker Hub or to another registry as we saw in the last article.
You can now run your image interactively, loading also your pipelines as a volume, and activate all the environments as you please:
docker run \
-i \
-t \
-v /home/user/datascience/pipelines/:/app/pipelines/ \
YOUR-USERNAME/data-science:latest-noai \
# execute the following commands inside the container
source activate python_deps
conda deactivate
source activate R
conda deactivate
We will stop here for this article, but in the next one we will dive into how to use the buildx