
AmpliPiper is a comprehensive yet modular pipeline that is able to perform a wide variety of downstream tasks on raw, basecalled, Oxford Nanopore long reads.

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This website documents the features of the current release (v0.2.0-beta) of AmpliPiper. See the CHANGELOG for a list of releases, new features, and bug fixes.

AmpliPiper is a pipeline developed by the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien to tackle most of the challenges posed by amplicon sequencing, and its ultimate goal is to provide the user with a comprehensive tool that is able to automatically perform the following tasks in a single run:

  • Quality filtering and size selection
  • Demultiplexing
  • Consensus sequence generation
  • Variant calling
  • Haplotype calling
  • Phylogenetic reconstruction
  • Species delimitation
  • Species identication

Browse the documentation to learn more about how to use this pipeline!


Here you’ll get a quick tour of the pipeline:

  • Installation: To install the pipeline you should have mamba and conda up and running on your machine. Once you are all set, clone the GitHub repository:
git clone
cd AmpliPiper

Then run:

bash shell/
  • Installation test: To test that everything is working and get information on the options you can input the pipeline with, run:
bash shell/ -h
  • Your first usage: Now that you had a rapid tour of the pipeline’s usage, get ready for the first trial. You can use the test data that our repository offers, just make sure to replace <path_to> with the actual path to your files. You can then run:
bash <path_to>/shell/ \
    --samples <path_to>/testdata/data/samples.csv \
    --primers <path_to/testdata/data/primers.csv \
    --output <path_to>/testdata/results/demo \
    --quality 10 \
    --nreads 1000 \
    --blast \
    --similar_consensus 97 \
    --threads 200 \
    --kthreshold 0.05 \
    --minreads 50 \
    --sizerange 100 \
    --outgroup He_mor_41 \
  • Read your results: This previous command will generate all the outputs in the results/demo folder: to see a summary of them, run:
firefox <path_to>/testdata/results/demo/results.html

See the repository README for a more detailed quickstart.

About the project


AmpliPiper is developed, distributed and maintained by Martin Kapun (NHMW), Sonja Steindl (NHMW) and Astra Clelia Bertelli (NHMW, University of Pavia).


The present documentation is written with Just the Docs, which is © 2017-2024 Jekyll theme by Patrick Marsceill.

We wish to thank all the amazing people that supported the project and shared advice or opinions about it, as well as all the teams and people behind the software employed in our pipeline.

This project is being developed as part of TETTRIs - Task 6.2, WP6.


AmpliPiper is an open source project distributed under GPL-3.


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.