
A simple yet really effective tutorial page dedicated to college students who want to get the most out of ChatGPT

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Study with ChatGPT

A simple yet really effective tutorial page dedicated to college students who want to get the most out of ChatGPT

ChatGPT on a computer in dark mode

Image by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

Tutorial transcript

You first have to log-in into your ChatGPT account.

Once you are logged in, you should go click on your avatar, at the top right of the page, and then go to 'Customize ChatGPT'.

Here you should write something about you, so that the agent knows who they’re dealing with, and then give some in-depth instructions on the subject and on the type of responses you want to get. It is highly suggested to also specify the language you want these responses to be in.

After you have completed this portion, you can simply upload your PDFs with the Attachment button, and then you can start chatting.

It is advisable to query ChatGPT in English and not in your language: if you set the language of ChatGPT answers in the customized instructions, you should nevertheless get them in that desired language.

A really good prompt to get the most out of ChatGPT may be: “Answer the following question leveraging information on the subject from the PDF I uploaded and (if it is not enough) from your own knowledge:” And then you put your question.

If there is any portion of ChatGPT’s answer which is unclear, you can use the Quote function by selecting the text and clicking on the quotation marks. You may then ask something like this: “Related to the quoted portion attached to this message, could you please expand and clarify it by adding information on the subject from your knowledge and from the PDF I uploaded?”

Tutorial video

Enjoy your studying!🚀